Did you know how Mother's day started in Canada? (I didn't) ;-)

Did you know how Mother's day started in Canada? (I didn't) ;-)

Mother's Day celebrations in Canada have a similar origin to that of the United States. It is said to have started in the early 20th century, when a woman named Julia Ward Howe (an American) started a campaign for a 'Mother's Day for Peace' after the American Civil War. Howe's idea didn't take off, but Anna Jarvis's did.

Anna Jarvis, the founder of modern Mother's Day in the United States, became one of the leading advocates for Mother's Day in Canada. She wanted to commemorate her mother, who was a peace activist and cared for wounded soldiers during the American Civil War. Jarvis' efforts were well received, and the first Mother's Day in Canada was celebrated on May 9th, 1914. It was celebrated by attending church services and wearing a white carnation.

The popularity of Mother's Day in Canada grew quickly, and by the 1920s, the day became commercially popular, with people buying cards and gifts for their mothers. Today, Mother's Day is a widely celebrated occasion across Canada, and people show their love and appreciation to their mothers by gifting them flowers, cards, and other special gifts.